Responsive Design Project!
So this project was interesting. I had a really hard time trying to come up with a concept. I eventually settled on the idea of creating a website to showcase Artists on Snapchat and their awesome work! As a dedicated snapchat enthusiast, it was an idea I was excited and satisfied about.
The Goal for this project was just to build and showcase a website that implemented CSS Grid, Bootstrap, or Flexbox. I implemented Flexbox in this case and also CSS Grid as a container.
I would say that responsive design is not my strong suit. The complexity of organizing divs and keeping track of what does what would always throw me in a state of uncertainty. I did find that pushing through this site taught me that it didn’t have to be. I learned to love and appreciate Flexbox and CSS Grid in all its awesome glory.
One of the stuggles I had during this project was coming up with the concept. I had moved through two different concepts. The first
one was an Modern Activism Shop that sold Modern Activism gear. Although the idea seems a bit easy to build around, I found it difficult
to have a Shop with no inventory. I need a database or some sort of API it seems to grab that information from.